Mindfulness Level 3


The Mindfulness Level 3 course was designed to give you context an teach you the techniques and theoretical routines that help you focus on the present and become more aware of how your feelings, thoughts and body are connected. The course will take you through how mindful meditation works, and how it can improve your mindfulness. The study and curriculum will help you to train your brain to think more positively.

This qualification helps you to manage stress, transform your mindset and harness your creativity. This is the ideal course for people working in high-pressure and stressful jobs; whether that is a teacher overwhelmed by a new class, or a bookkeeper struggling to stay positive at the end of year. The tried and tested techniques taught through this curriculum will get you in the zone and keep you there.

On this Level 3 course, you will learn:
– the history of mindfulness.
– the use of mindful practices to treat mental health conditions.
– how to observe your thoughts, feelings, emotions and bodily sensations.
– key theories that explore what it means to be mindful.
– how to help clients to live mindfully, and live mindfully yourself.
– the psychological triggers and how mindfulness can help.
– the power mindfulness has on neuroplasticity, leadership and the healing process.
– how to set up your own business in mindfulness.

SKU: X337 Category:

120 Study Hours

Level 3 Difficulty

TMA’s Assessed


Course Overview

You can enrol now!

Once enrolled; you will have 12 months to complete your course.

Study Guidelines:

We recommend 120 Learning hours of study is usually more than adequate time for learners to sufficiently study the course. This level of study should be comfortably manageable alongside full time jobs and other commitments.


To achieve the course you may be required to complete assignments, essays, research projects, presentations, video/audio recordings and practical learning sessions to meet the requirements of your course.

Course Content

The first unit introduces the concept of mindfulness: what it is, what it does, and how it can help people. You’ll look at mindful based cognitive therapy, and what parts of the brain are affected via positivity thinking.
Discover the history of mindfulness, from its origins in eastern philosophy to its use in modern western medicine. You’ll also learn about its links to yoga, spirituality and positive psychology.
Gain insight into the forefather of modern mindfulness, Jon Kabat Zinn and how he bought about mindfulness to the western world. You’ll also discover how mindfulness reduces stress and a range of disorders it can help with.
Understand the importance of monitoring body language and posture, how to re-frame and challenge irrational beliefs, as well as how thoughts, actions and emotions are interconnected. With key theories of Lange and Cannon, and a negative thought activity to explore.
In this unit, you’ll explore psychological triggers and how mindfulness can help. You’ll also consider Freud’s three levels of topography, and the importance of the subconscious mind: id, ego, superego.
This unit covers the impact mindfulness during the healing process, the stages of healing, the importance of client risk assessments, and ways to promote healing and feelings of safety in clients.
This unit will investigate a range of beneficial mindfulness exercises, especially useful in group therapy sessions. You’ll look at everything from the introductory raisin mindfulness exercise to body scans, mountain and lake meditation, and non-guided breath focus. With videos to explore the science behind mindfulness.
This unit uncovers the positive and negative sides of stress. Defining what stress is, you’ll scrutinise Albert Ellis’ ABCDE model, and learn key stress management mindfulness techniques.
This unit looks at benefits of mindfulness in relation to leadership, large companies who are embracing mindfulness, and how leaders can implement mindfulness into their daily work lives.
In this unit, you’ll learn about neuroplasticity with cases studies, happy set-points and epigenetics – the study of how experience, thoughts, and words modify our DNA. You’ll also consider how mindfulness can help train your brain.
This unit outlines what group therapy is and how mindfulness can be taught in a group setting. You’ll also look at group dynamics, and how therapists can manage cases and overcome potential conflict.
The final unit discusses how to set up a mindfulness practice. You’ll look at traits of a practitioner, being an authentic teacher, setting the scene for client sessions to key practitioner skills. You’ll also learn the importance of safeguarding, confidentiality and anonymity.
  • Awarding body: NCFE CACHE
  • Our course code: X337

The NCFE CACHE awarding body, came through the 2017 merging of the Northern Council for Further Education (NCFE) and the Council for Awards in Care, Health and Education (CACHE). NCFE CACHE are now the leading specialist Awarding Organisation for the Teaching and Education Sector.

Entry Requirements

There are no formal entry requirements for this course.

Why Distance Learning?

If you are currently in full time or part time employment then you may find that traditional colleges or institutes of study are not practical for you to attend while maintaining your employment and livelihood. You may also be struggling to justify the costs of relocating or traffic long distances to study at a traditional academic institution.

For these eventualities, distance learning is the only feasible option. Often, distance learning is significantly cheaper than traditional classroom learning too.

Frequently Asked Questions

You will have access to your personal tutor, via email and telephone, who will mark your assignments and guide you through the course. In addition, you will be supplied with a comprehensive Study Guide which will help you through the study and assessment process. Your personal tutor will be highly experienced in their subject area and qualified to teach.
You don’t need any prior skills in the subject area to start. However, as with all of our courses, we recommend a reasonable level of English reading and writing ability.
We provide all the specially written learning materials you require to study this course at home. The course fee also includes tutor support for 12 months.
You will receive everything you need to complete this course within the study pack we send to you.
No, this course is assessed by coursework alone.
No, all of the study materials are supplied within your learning pack.
Most students finish comfortably within the course duration period given. However, if you do need more time, your personal tutor support can be extended for an additional fee.
That’s fine, this course can be studied anywhere and is completed by submitting Tutor marked assignments (TMAs).

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